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Welcome to the 2025 Football Season





1.     Each team will perform a choreographed routine not to exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This routine must be composed of one cheer, one chant, and dance. Exceeding the maximum time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds by more than 5 seconds will result in a .5 deduction.

a.     Each team may choose to perform a stunt off routine not to exceed 1 minute and 15 seconds. Failure to comply with time restrictions of the stunt off routine may result in disqualification.

2. Music is allowed for all or part of each routine.

3. Organized, formal entrances that involve cheers, or run-ons with jumps, tumbling, or stunts are NOT permitted. Cheerleaders, dancers, and mascots should enter the performance area in a timely fashion.

4. Timing will begin with the first organized word, movement, or note of music by the team or individual after they are officially announced.

5. Timing will end with the last organized word, movement, or note of music by the team or individual. Teams or individuals must exit the performance area immediately following the routine.

6.  Cheer teams should utilize all areas of their squad’s technical strength in jumps, tumbling, partner stunts, motion technique, projection and expression, choreography, showmanship, and dance.

7. Only the following props are allowed for cheer teams: flags, banners, megaphones, poms, and signs. Flags and/or banners with poles or similar support apparatus may not be used in conjunction with athletes involved in stunts or tumbling. Any props used in a performance may not be stepped on by any performer. Stepping on props will result in a .5 deduction. Participating team members/coaches may set up props before their performance. Cheerleaders/coaches are solely responsible for placing all equipment on the mat.

8. Team/individual names will be called twice: 1) on deck 2) next to perform.

9. Routines must be appropriate for family viewing. Any vulgar or suggestive movements, words, costuming, or music will result in a .5 deduction. No tear-away uniforms or removal of clothing is allowed.

10.  Competition will be held indoors.

11.  Boundary rules are in effect from the time a team enters the mat and remain in effect until they leave the mat after their performance. They CANNOT go out of bounds. Stepping on or touching the edge of the mat does not constitute as a violation. They must noticeable touch out of bounds with an entire foot, hand, or other body part for a violation to occur. Props may be placed out of bounds but within reach so an athlete does not have to step out of bounds to retrieve the prop. There will a .5 deduction for each boundary violation.

12.  All teams must follow AACCAA Safety Guidelines and general requirements and BAYCL Rules and Regulations.

13.  Each school will pay a squad fee to the hosting school in the sum of $75. Any changes to cost must be approved by the majority of the BAYCL Board.

14.  Squads may have a maximum of 32 members. If a squad at the same level from the same school is split and the sum of both squads does not exceed 32 members, the squads may not compete against each other. One must be categorized as small and one as large.

a.     For Stunt off Routines- if the sum of both squads does not exceed 32 members then only one stunt group may participate in stunt off at that level.

15.  Coaches may sit on the floor in front or next to the judges table. NO sideline coaching of any kind is permitted with the exception of exhibition and flag routines. Sideline coaching will result in a .5 deduction for each violation.

16.  Cowbells and blow horns are prohibited at all BAYCL functions.

17.  NO glitter is allowed on signs or makeup….vinyl products whereas lose glitter is not present will be accepted.

18.  One person from each organization will need to remain with the DJ to instruct him/her on music cues.

19.  All decisions by judges at competition are final. Penalties are assessed at the sole discretion of the judges.

20.  Tobacco or animals on school district grounds are prohibited.

Partner Stunts

1.     Partner stunts (free standing or as a part of a pyramid) higher than shoulder level must have a separate, continuous off hands spotter for each person above shoulder level.

2.     The bases of any extended stunt must have both feet in direct weight-bearing contact with the performance surface.

3.     Bases may not:

a.     Hold any objects in hand that is supporting the top person.

b.     Assume a back bend, handstand or headstand position.

4.     In stunts requiring an off hands spotter, the off hands spotter:

a.     Cannot provide primary support for the majority of the top person’s weight

b.     Must be in a position to protect the top persons head, neck, and shoulders when dismounting from a stunt or pyramid. In most stunts this position is behind or beside the top person.

c.     Must have their attention focused on the top person.

d.     May NOT have their hands behind their back

e.     May not hold any object in their hands

5.     The total number of twists in a dismount from a stunt is one rotation.

6.     Partner stunts and pyramids may not pass over, under, or through another partner stunt, pyramids, or individuals.

7.     Leap frogs are legal.

8.     In all cradle dismounts, the top person may not hold props.

9.     A log roll is legal provided it does not involve more than one complete rotation and the top person is not in contact with a person in a release stunt.

a.     In a multi base log roll, the top person may begin and end in a face up or face down position.

10.  A multi base free standing tick tock that begins at or below shoulder level is permitted. If braced, bracers must follow the rules for released pyramid transitions.

11.  A top person in a horizontal position shoulder height or below or in a cradle may be released to a loading position or stunt shoulder height or below.

12.  Non braced suspended splits in a transition are allowed provided all of the following conditions are met:

a.     The top person must have both hands in continuous contact with a post or with both bases hands or

b.     When transitioning to the split without continuous hand to hand contact

                                              i.     There are a total of three bases that support the top person

                                              ii.     The top person must have both hands in contact with bases during the split portion of the transition

13.  Extended straddle lifts must have an additional off hands spotter for the head, neck and shoulders of the top person.

14.  A top person may be moved from a vertical position to a horizontal position, provided all of the following conditions are met:

a.     The top person maintains contact with at least one original base or spotter

b.     At least two (2 )bases catch the upper body of the top person.

c.     When the catchers are not the original bases, they must remain close to the original bases and must be in place prior to the movement to the horizontal position.

d.     When the catchers are not the original bases and the top person begins or passes through an extended overhead position at least three catchers are required.

15.  Dismounts to the performance surface from shoulder height or above must have assisted landings. If the dismount involves a skill (i.e. toe touch) the assistance must be from two bases or a base and spotter. This assistance must be sufficient to slow the momentum of the top person.

16.  Tension drops are prohibited.



1.     The top person in a pyramid must receive primary support from a base or be connected to another top person as a brace.

2.     A bracer may not support a majority of a top person’s weight.

3.     In braced pyramids, at least one bracer of each pair must be at shoulder height or below.

4.     Partner stunts/pyramids may not pass over, under, or through other partner stunts, pyramids, or individuals.

5.     Hanging pyramids are prohibited.

6.     In a release pyramid transition the following rules apply:

a.     The top person must have at least two bases.

b.     The released top person and bases make no turn around the bracer in a continuous movement in which the top person remains above the original bases.

c.     The top person and all bracers at shoulder level must have a spotter in place during the transitional movement (shoulder sits and double based thigh stands do not require an additional spotter).

d.     The top person must be in hand/arm to hand/arm contact with at least one bracer during the entire transition.

e.     The top person may not be supporting his or her weight on any other body part of the person assisting (i.e. shoulder of the bracer).

f.      The top person must be continuous in motion and cannot be supported so that they pause during the transition.

g.     Braced flip pyramids are prohibited



1.     In multi-based tosses to a cradle the following rules apply:

a.     No more than four bases allowed.

b.     Must be caught by at least three of the original bases, one of whom must be designated for the head and shoulders.

c.     The toss may not intentionally travel.

d.     The top person may not hold any objects (poms, signs, etc.) during the toss

e.     The top person cannot travel over or under another person

f.      Tosses that land in a stunt or loading position are prohibited.


Tumbling and Jumps

1.     Dive rolls are prohibited.

2.     Flips greater than one rotation are prohibited.

3.     Twists greater than one rotation are prohibited.

4.     A forward three quarter flip to the seat or knees is prohibited.

5.     Tumbling or rebounding over or under a stunt, person or prop is illegal. EXCEPTION: Non-aerial tumbling over a person or prop is allowed (Cartwheels, rolls, and walkovers with poms or over a person are allowed. Back handsprings with poms are prohibited.).

6.     A flip that lands in a partner stunt or cradle is prohibited. (Example: A back flip from a tumbling pass into a cradle is prohibited. However, rebounding from a back handspring into a cradle is allowed.)

7.     Landings for all jumps must bear weight on at least one foot. (Example: A toe touch jump to the seat, knees, or landing with both feet back, or to a push-up position are prohibited.)

8.     Knee drops are prohibited without first bearing weight on the hands.

9.     Drops to a prone position (i.e. pushup on the performing surface are illegal.

10.  Airborne skills without hip over-head rotation may not jump from a standing or squatting position backwards onto your neck, shoulders, and hands. (This rule only refers to a type of entrance into the “kip-up/rubber band” skill.)


Specific Surface Restrictions

1.     The following skills are only allowed on a mat, grass, or rubberized track surface.

a.     Basket tosses, elevator/sponge tosses and other similar multi-base tosses.

b.     Partner stunts in which the base uses only one arm to support the top person.

c.     Twisting tumbling skills (Arabians, full twisting layouts, etc.)

EXCEPTION: cartwheels, round offs, and aerial cartwheels are allowed on surfaces other than a mat, grass, or rubberized track.





All teams:

·       No basket or elevator tosses.

·       No tension drops.

·       No pendulums.

·       Off hands spotter is required for ALL stunts where both feet of the top person extends past shoulder level.

Flag (Kindergarten and 1st Grade):

·       No building of single leg stunts above the waist.

·       Two leg extended stunts are allowed provided the extended top person is braced by a top person at prep level or below with hand-arm connection only.

·   Connection must be made at or below prep level.

·    Two leg extended stunts may not be braced by other extended stunts.

·       Double thigh stands are acceptable.

·       Log rolls are not allowed.

·       Twisting stunts and transitions are allowed up to a ¼ twisting rotation by the top person in relation to the performing surface.

·       Leapfrog and leapfrog variations are prohibited.

·       Back spotter required for all stunts.

·       Only straight pop downs and basic straight cradles from stunts allowed. EXCEPTION No dismounts are allowed from skills above prep level in pyramids.

·       No twisting tumbling. EXCEPTION Cartwheels and round offs are allowed.

·       Inversions are prohibited.

Mighty Mites (2nd & 3rd Grade):

·       No building of single leg stunts above shoulder level.

·       Extended single leg stunts are allowed provided the extended top person is braced by a top person at prep level with hand arm connection only.
·      Connection must be made at or below prep level.

·       Log rolls are allowed.

·       Back spotter is required for all stunts.

·       Twisting stunts and transitions are allowed up to a total of ½ twisting rotation by the top person in relation to the performance surface.

·       Transitions from ground level inversions to non-inverted positions are allowed. No other inversions are allowed.

·       Only straight pop downs, basic cradles and ¼ turns are allowed.

·       No twisting tumbling. EXCEPTION Cartwheels and round offs are allowed.

·       Tumbling entering and exiting a stunt is allowed provided the top person’s hands touch the floor immediately preceding the entrance or exit.


Mites (4th & 5th Grade):

·       Single leg extended stunts are allowed.

·       Back spotter is required for all stunts EXCEPT double base thigh stands and shoulder sits.

·       Twisting stunts and transitions are allowed up to one twisting rotation by the top person in relation to the performing surface.

·       Full twisting transitions must land at and originate from prep level or below only.

·       Tumbling entering and exiting a stunt is allowed provided the top person’s hands touch the floor immediately preceding the entrance or exit.

·       Only straight pop downs, basic cradles, and ½ turns are allowed.

·       All tumbling is allowed.

Midgets (6th & 7th Grade):

·       Follows AACCA Middle School rules with BAYCL exceptions.

·       Back spotter is required for all stunts EXCEPT double base thigh stands and shoulder sits.

·       Show and Go’s must have an off hands spotter.

·       Tumbling entering and exiting a stunt is allowed provided the top person’s hands touch the floor immediately preceding the entrance or exit.

·       Twisting dismounts are limited to one full rotation.

·       All tumbling is allowed.